Will you start your day from 6am tomorrow?

Yoga and its benefits

Recently on my family whatsapp group all my relatives decided to wake up early in the morning and join a Google-meet call and perform yoga together. My parents took this very seriously. (for a day) Even my brother had to wake up even after sleeping at 3 in the morning (pubg wala hai ye). I set the call up on my laptop and cast it on the television (bigger screen).

All of the 30 members on the call were very excited. I set up the call and sat behind on the couch. These people started with dynamic stretching: the movement of different body parts to warm up their body. My brother was half asleep and I had to record these sessions so that my mom could send these videos in other groups. (This is the new normal). After an hour or so Aman (my brother) joined just to perform his favorite yoga asana: The shavasana. So he lay down on his mat around 7a.m. and just after 5 minutes he found it was already quarter to 9a.m. After, he wasn’t even sorry for sleeping right there in the middle of the hall ;)

Everyone has their own opinion about yoga. I wouldn’t disagree with you all however I will give you my version of what I think yoga is. How yoga helps us, what all are the benefits of doing yoga and what should be one’s expectation from yoga.


Why to prefer early morning yoga sessions?


Well, just after you have had plenty of sleep and your mind is relaxed, I would recommend you to get up from the bed, freshen up take that yoga mat of yours and go right under the open sky. Feel the breeze on your face. Doing this early in the morning will not only bring positive vibes but also will help you stay motivated throughout the day.

  • Sun salutation: The practice of surya-namaskar was performed in order to greet the sun and appreciate the new day.       
  • It relaxes your mind and body before starting your day.
  • Keeps you highly motivated throughout you day.
  • Lastly, it would help you to be someone that our mother’s always wanted us to be: A morning person.


Why to perform Yoga?

  • It helps you improve your respiration.
  • It increases your muscle flexibility.
  • It also provides shape (tone) to the muscles.
  • It helps to decrease stress levels.
  • It also strengthens your muscles as you perform with your full body weight.
  • Helps to increase our blood circulation
  • It shows us different breathing patterns.
  • Gives you a correct posture.
  • No restriction of any age-group.
  • As more and more the muscles get flexible it helps you reduce the risk of getting injured.


“Expectations are not always met”

We expect a lot from life. We expect a lot from our friends and family. And we expect a lot for our body after minimal amount of work on it. I still remember back in the days how I went for a quick run, hit the gym and did my stretches all in a day and thought after a month of this I will get lean and I will achieve my dream body. Just in a month. Well, I was wrong.

As the benefits mentioned above, one can now say that yoga will not just bring physical but  mental transition as well. See it as a habit that you will develop for years and not just 21 days. Good things take time. We lack patience. It will definitely happen for you. You are on the right track and you will wake up tomorrow at 6am and will start working on your mind and body. After a year or so you will see that how waking up on a random morning at 6 in the month of August, 2020  has helped you in an infinite ways.

Stay fit. Stay motivated.



  1. Very nicely explained the benefits of YOGA ...will definitely try to start from tomorrow..πŸ‘

  2. Excellent compilation of thoughts in a very interesting way. Keep sharing your experiences.

  3. For someone lazy like me, this was an enlightenment.

  4. Insightful and helpful thanks

  5. Very well put up... Health should always b one's highest priority.. Keep goingπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

  6. Interesting, waiting for more articles.


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